we understand purchasing

what we offer

We understand purchasing, wholesaling and know the European market for technical and branded products through and through. In every day’s environment of prices, DayBiz offers a whole new perspective on finding the right product for the right price. We can make the best offers because we have access to many sources for the same product. Our network of partner-wholesalers covers many brands and multiple product segments throughout all areas in Europe. In our database you will always find something that you can purchase against a better price. If it turns out that your price is the lowest in our network, then you might just start selling more of it to the rest of Europe via DayBiz. To summarise, there is no easier access to other European wholesalers, brands, products, new product areas, and most importantly, excellent buying conditions. To top this all off, DayBiz takes care of the entire process, door-to-door delivery and administration.


Who we are

DayBiz is a lean-and-mean organisation, because everything is aimed at offering the best prices for our partners. Everything that we do is based on lengthy experience working for esteemed wholesalers and international buying groups.