what we offer

Price comparison

The DayBiz network encompasses all countries in Europe, as such we will usually find a better price for the same product. We have more than 16.000 unique products in our database covering over 400 brands. Should something not yet be provided in the database then we will simply add it, find the data-features, and ask all our network partners to quote their best price. The chances are that we will be able to offer you an interesting price difference. Should it turn out that your price is the lowest in our network, we will actively start selling your product to the rest of our partners. Our custom-made software supports large data-processing, and it has been built to filter out any possible data-mistakes. Once the data is in order, we take pride in being able to make a partner an individualised offer within 30 minutes, providing only relevant products against an improved price.


Full process solution

Not only do we offer the same product against an improved price, but we also take care of the entire distribution, and administration process. We pick up the goods at the selling partner’s warehouse and we deliver it to a central address in the buying partner’s country. We provide all the transport paperwork, take care of transport payments, and invoicing. It will therefore always be DayBiz that you trust as your partner!



We are the intermediary between 2 international wholesalers that trade with each other on an anonymous basis. It is for this reason, that most of our partners are both buyers and sellers to DayBiz, and often become a fixed partner just as any other supplier or customer.






Full dedication

Finding improved prices, new products, new brands, new segments, and above all, new partners, is what makes us happy everyday anew. Though we are a small team, you will get an answer significantly quicker with us than when you use your traditional channels. We focus entirely on being your dedicated partner and a full-service provider. By having extensive knowledge about wholesaling, and purchasing, we know exactly what the needs of our partners are.



We have taken an element of everyday wholesale-business, comparing prices, and have developed this into our core business by utilising the right tools, and skills.